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Edibles Collection: THC Gummies

A Daily Treat That Spoils Your Senses

The THC gummies you find on Delta Remedys are more than just a delicious dessert – they’re your opportunity to experience some amazing physical and mental benefits. It’s a mix of mouth-watering tastes and THC buzz, and it can quickly become one of your favorite life pleasures. THC gummies can offer a different experience for everyone, but once you board the THC train, you will definitely enjoy the ride. Because all users have their own needs and tolerances, our gummies come in different types. Whether you want HHC, Delta-8, Delta-9, or Delta-10 THC gummies, you can find all of them here, on this page, in a mix of flavors that will leave you amazed by the power of these bite-sized edibles. Whether you are here to start your own personal wellness journey or you are simply switching up from your old gummy products, you will not be disappointed once you experience the benefits. The THC edibles are meant to capture people’s hearts and make their lives better. Once you order, you can legally enjoy gummies in any THC type that your heart desires.

What Are THC Gummies?

THC gummies represent a type of edible that is infused with THC. To put it simply, these gummies contain an ingredient extracted from hemp. THC is the compound known to give people the “high” they experience when consuming any kind of cannabis product. You will be shocked to learn how much the demand for hemp-derived products has exploded in recent years. Soft chew candies like THC gummies are not only used for their amazing taste but also for the benefits they can bring to the table. Lots of individuals use these edibles for health benefits or simply as a way to relax and unwind after a long day. Others use them to improve their focus before an exam or before performing a difficult task. Now, even though the “high” is associated with marijuana most of the time, you should know that we only offer the legal alternative here at Delta Remedys. All our THC gummies use hemp extract and not marijuana extract.

Are THC Gummies Legal?

There is a lot of confusion about the legal status of cannabis-based products like THC gummies. This happens for various reasons, and we will explain them below. On one hand, people’s preconceptions are usually based on something they may have seen on TV or heard from someone who has a negative opinion of THC. This is enough to make someone think that anything related to cannabis is bad and that it shouldn’t be touched – even if it is for good reasons. On the other hand, some information found online is misleading. You can find articles referring to all cannabis as illegal without bothering to mention the different types of cannabis and their separate laws, or articles that falsely name legal substances as illegal. Obviously, this would deter most individuals from THC gummies if they thought that these candies were against the law. Now, one thing that you must know before assessing the legality of THC gummies is that there are separate cannabis plants from which people extract THC to make edibles. One of them is marijuana, and the other one is hemp. They are both part of the same species, but their THC contents are different, which also influences their legal status. At a federal level, marijuana is illegal. Several states allow its use for medical reasons, while a few others allow recreational marijuana use. There are also states where cannabis is illegal, though. Marijuana is federally classified as a Schedule I drug under the Controlled Substances Act. It has high abuse potential, so its use for any purpose is prohibited at the federal level. However, the story is a bit different when it comes to hemp. Although it is still a type of cannabis, the 2018 Farm Bill made hemp production legal as long as the plants did not exceed 0.3% THC by dry weight. This allowed many cannabis enthusiasts and experts to start producing hemp-based products legally and this includes gummies. Here, at Delta Remedys, we only sell gummies with hemp-extracted THC. We work hard to make our products reach the high quality that customers deserve, and we always respect the law, selling in states where hemp-based products are legal. As such, you do not have to worry about getting in trouble.

Different Types of THC Gummies

THC is very complex. There is more than one type of THC, and we offer various options at Delta Remedys. All of them can provide a variety of benefits, but they might have different effects depending on your experience, tolerance, the amount you consume, and several other factors. Delta Remedys makes all THC types available for you in edible form, so you can pick the desired one without any trouble. However, if you are a beginner and don’t know which type of THC is best for you, we also offer a bundle that contains one of each THC gummy pack, allowing you to try them all and save money on your order.

·       Delta-9 THC

Delta-9 THC is the most popular psychoactive cannabinoid that exists in cannabis plants. It is known for its strength and its effects, more specifically the “high” that cannabis users often seek. This is the ingredient that is responsible for the famous intoxication one can experience after consuming anything in the cannabis category. Delta-9 is the main psychoactive component of cannabis, one of the over 100 cannabinoids present in the plant. It interacts with the reward system of the brain as it leads to a release of dopamine and causes pleasant sensations. While Delta-9 is stronger than other types of THC, it is safer to consume in moderation and when extracted from hemp instead of marijuana. It can cause some amazing mental and physical effects. Since this compound naturally occurs in cannabis plants, it is always easy to extract generous amounts, which increases the chances of getting the natural experience you may seek. We offer high-quality Delta-9 THC gummies at Delta Remedys. Many companies are trying to offer types of Delta-9 THC that are impure or unsafe for the user, or sometimes even illegal. However, there is nothing to worry about if you choose Delta Remedys as your trusted source of Delta-9 gummies.

·       Delta-8 THC

Delta-8 is another naturally occurring compound found in cannabis plants. It became increasingly popular in recent years, and for good reasons – not only does it bring some incredible effects that you don’t want to miss, but it is also less intoxicating than Delta-9. Unlike its close relative, though, Delta-8 is present in cannabis in much smaller amounts, making it harder to extract in large quantities. Manufacturers then end up having to make Delta-8 THC from Delta-9 or CBD before adding it to gummies. Delta-8 can also cause a slight high when consumed, but it feels more like a warm embrace compared to the high caused by Delta-9. In fact, in some studies, Delta-8 THC is referred to as the nicer younger sibling of D9. Many times, Delta-8 is consumed by people who want to enjoy whatever THC has to bring, but without the concern of the side effects brought by Delta-9 THC. Other people use it when they are just getting started or don’t want to go straight to Delta-9. Consuming Delta-8 gummies is a great opportunity to enjoy THC’s perks in a much safer way.

·       Delta-10 THC

Delta-10 THC is another relative of Delta-9 and just like Delta-8, differs from cannabis’s primary psychoactive ingredient in terms of chemical structure and effects. The ingredient naturally appears in aged cannabis plants, but the amounts aren’t large enough to allow manufacturers to extract too much of it, which is why Delta-10 often has to be created. What’s very interesting about Delta-10 is that its discovery was actually accidental. It was discovered when THC distillate was extracted from some cannabis that got tainted by fire retardant. Some crystals appeared, and initially, they were classified as CBL and CBD. It was a mistake, though, because it was actually Delta-10 THC. It took months of research to reach a real conclusion. Delta-10 THC can also potentially get you high if you are not careful. However, the substance is not as intense as Delta-9, so in this aspect, it is safer. The compound can provide a wide range of benefits that are very similar to those of its THC cousins. At the same time, research on Delta-10 is quite limited, which means there is still more to find out about the cannabinoid in the future.

·       HHC

HHC or hexahydro cannabinol is a minor cannabinoid found in cannabis plants. It is present in cannabis in very small amounts, so its extraction would not bring huge quantities. Therefore, it has to be created, just like Delta-8 and Delta-10. The term HHC is less popular than THC, yet it represents a compound that has been known to science for a while. Chemist Roger Adams discovered HHC in 1940 when he added hydrogen to the THC molecule. This is known as the hydrogenation process. Simultaneously, many cannabis users were not aware of it until quite recently. It has become a new favorite ingredient for people who love cannabis, and it is especially sought after by people who want to enjoy the benefits of cannabis and avoid side effects. HHC hasn’t been as widely studied as THC, but it can still lead to some nice effects. More studies are necessary to fully understand it, though. The growing demand led to it being added to edibles such as gummies. Fortunately, Delta Remedys can help you experience HHC by providing a nice HHC gummy pack for you.

What is the difference between a CBD gummy and a THC gummy?

Many people get confused when they are buying hemp products or simply weed gummies. CBD gummies and THC gummies are totally different categories that fall under cannabis edibles. The two tasty gummies have many significant differences, whether it is the psychoactive effects, natural flavors, or their legal limit.

One of the most prominent ones is their legal limit. Despite their shared cannabis origins, the legal limit for THC gummies is 20% THC, and for CBD gummies, it is no more than 0.3% THC. 

Secondly, though they share many molecular properties, the psychoactive effects of CBD and THC gummies are also very distinct in so many ways. Though not to the same extent as THC gummies, CBD gummies do provide a euphoric effect. Weed gummies lack the potent buzz that you get after consuming delicious THC gummies available at Delta Remedys. 

When THC attaches to the brain's cannabinoid 1 (CB1) receptors, it causes intense high or potent psychoactive effects, which is not the case for the tasty gummies made from CBD.

What is the difference between THC and CBD?

Cannabidiol, or CBD, and delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, are two separate chemicals present in cannabis plants that have different effects on brain receptors. They also treat various medical conditions under specific circumstances.

Being loaded with psychoactive effects, THC alters one's state of mind and the way they see the world around them. The "high" that one gets from weed gummies is produced by THC.

CBD has no psychoactive effects like THC weed gummies. Although it does not produce intoxication, it may have other benefits, such as calming effects or pain relief due to certain medical conditions. 

The chemical composition of the two cannabis edibles is identical: 21 carbon atoms, 30 hydrogen atoms, and two oxygen atoms. Nevertheless, there is a change in the atomic configuration.

While both hemp products can help you feel more at peace and drowsy, boost your mood with delicious natural flavors, and alleviate pain, CBD does not have the same potent effects as THC.

What THC gummies are good for anxiety?

Taking cannabis edibles with THC in the form of THC gummies is now a popular choice. Anxiety and tension are the two medical conditions that can even get lethal to one’s life. Anxiety can be alleviated in a novel and joyful way with the help of tasty gummies with an ideal amount of THC and your favorite natural flavor. 

THC gummies are known to reduce SANS activity, which in turn promotes relaxation and induces a calming calm. When faced with danger, the neurological system triggers the "fight-or-flight" reaction. 

People experiencing stress and anxiety may find respite from this relaxing impact. Patients with anxiety disorders have nothing but praise for Delta Remedys’ Delta-9 THC Weed Gummies that come in unique natural flavors. 

Some reviewers take these tasty gummies regularly to overcome their social anxiety and have more fun in public places. Some people find that taking these cannabis edibles before bed helps them prevent daydreaming and get a good night's rest.

How Safe Are THC Gummies?

If you choose a good brand – such as Delta Remedys – you will never have to worry about the safety of your THC gummies. Not only do we make sure to extract THC from high-quality hemp, but we also ensure that the gummies are not tainted by toxins. Every edible pack you purchase from has a third-party lab report that proves its safety. Nevertheless, you may want to learn more about the safety of THC gummies specifically so you can decide whether you should join the community or not. Now, you should know that the FDA doesn’t monitor the manufacturing process and distribution of hemp-derived THC gummies very closely. But that doesn’t mean that your THC gummies will be impure – with enough research, it is possible to stay safe while enjoying these mouth-watering edibles. At Delta Remedys, we only use organically grown hemp and stay away from toxins.

What Are the Benefits of THC Gummies?

It’s not shocking to hear that most people who start to use THC gummies do it due to the advantages that these edibles offer. Most individuals who have tried THC gummies have reported a mix of effects, most of them positive. They differ based on dosage, THC type, tolerance, and other factors. If consumed in larger amounts, gummies can also get you high – particularly if you are not used to them. Perhaps the most obvious advantage of THC gummies is that they are discreet, and you can take them anywhere. They look just like your typical gummies, so nobody will bat an eye if you put one into your mouth and start chewing – they will simply think you are craving something sweet. THC gummies are small, and they come in packs that are easy to carry to most places. Take the Delta Remedys HHC gummies for instance – they come in small jars that you can sneak into your backpack, purse, or even your pocket. They don’t take up a lot of space. Another cool thing about THC gummies is that they do not require you to go outside to consume them as is the case with smoking. You can sit in the comfort of your own home and eat them without worrying about any smell. It’s even better if you have guests over and don’t want them to know about your THC use. Also, there is no respiratory risk when using THC edibles. Cannabis smoke has carcinogens in its composition, not to mention that smoking cannabis can lead to several respiratory problems too. When you eat gummies, you are not burning anything and you don’t have to inhale smoke, which eliminates potential risks. Various studies have revealed that different THC types can cause various effects, sometimes good ones and other times less pleasant ones. While gummies of different types tend to cause similar effects, there may still be a few differences between them. So, your experience with Delta-9 THC gummies may be different from your experience with Delta-8 THC gummies, for example. Since we offer edibles in a variety of THC types, we want you to know what to expect after consuming these products.

·       Delta-9 THC Gummies

Since Delta-9 THC is the main psychoactive compound found in cannabis and is present in large amounts, it only makes sense that it offers very strong effects. When used in abundance, it can make you feel high – something that lots of users actually seek. But there is more to it than that – it may also have some potential benefits. Here, at Delta Remedys, we offer multiple Delta-9 THC gummy packs – you get 20 gummies in a pack, each containing 20mg of Delta-9 THC. They are available in several delicious flavors, though, respectively Peach, Watermelon, Apple, and Blue Raspberry. Delta-9 has an effect on your body’s endocannabinoid system. When it binds to the receptors, this process leads to the list of pros that are behind people’s eagerness to use THC.
  • Nausea Reduction – Studies have revealed that Delta-9 THC can help treat and manage vomiting and nausea related to chemotherapy treatments. This is because THC can bind to the CB1 and CB2 receptors in the CNS. It can change somatic, cognitive, and sensory perception, as well as promote anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, and neuroprotective effects as a result.
  • Mood Regulation – When taken in moderation, Delta-9 can help regulate your mood. With the added benefit of taste for THC gummies, you will become cheerful in no time.
  • Stress Management – Stress is part of our daily lives. Luckily, you can tackle this problem in a much better way by eating some Delta-9 gummies. The candies infused with this magical compound can make you feel more comfortable and confident, something that makes it easier to handle stressful situations.
  • Relaxation – Sometimes, all you want to do is relax. When you have a busy schedule, it feels like you cannot take any breaks, which only leads to more unnecessary stress. However, Delta-9 gummies can help you obtain that sense of calm you so desperately seek. If you make sure to mix Delta-9 with a good diet and healthy sleep schedule, you will have a better time relaxing – even when dealing with more stressful days.
  • Improved Sleep – Sleep is another thing that Delta-9 can help you with. Whether you are dealing with insomnia, or you just find it hard to sleep from time to time, Delta-9 THC can eliminate all your concerns and help you sleep like a baby.
  • Chronic Pain Treatment – There are many people who experience chronic pain. While there are treatments that help with this problem, they may not always be that effective, or you may be simply looking for an alternative. Fortunately, Delta-9 THC gummies may be just what you are looking for. The THC content can relieve chronic pain associated with fibromyalgia, central neuropathy, and other conditions. It can even help with chronic non-cancer pain.
  • Appetite Boost – Are you trying to eat more or eat healthily, but you don’t have an appetite? Say no more – Delta-9 THC gummies will be able to boost your appetite with no issues. The substance is known as an appetite stimulant; therefore, you will feel hungry once you start taking daily doses.
  • Anxiety Reduction – Just like it can reduce stress, Delta-9 THC can also reduce anxiety. If you feel anxious, you simply need to take your daily dose of Delta-9 THC gummies and you should feel better shortly.

·       Delta-8 THC Gummies

Delta-8 THC is a friendlier type of THC. It’s perhaps the most popular alternative for people who are trying to avoid the high caused by Delta-9. So, Delta-8 gummies are extremely popular right now, and the best news is that we offer some cool packs of these treats here at Delta Remedys. One of them is the smaller pack of 30 gummies. You get 25mg of Delta-8 THC per serving, as well as mixed flavors. Thus, you don’t have to order different jars to enjoy every different taste – one pack has 10 of each: watermelon, peach, and apple flavors. We also have a larger pack that contains 60 gummies but with the same amount of THC per treat and the same mixed flavors. Just like Delta-9, Delta-8 is full of amazing benefits that make consumption worth it:
  • Relaxation – Delta-8 THC is great for anyone who needs to relax after a chaotic and stressful time. It can relax both your body and mind, which is exactly what you need if you are feeling too on edge.
  • Anxiety Relief – Are you experiencing anxiety? Leave it to Delta-8 THC gummies to help you feel better. Delta-8 is reportedly good at relieving anxiety, and with the right dose, you surely won’t be disappointed by its effects.
  • Less Intense Effects – While Delta-9 is known to be quite intense and cause a high, things are different with Delta-8 THC. The compound is a friendlier alternative to the main psychoactive ingredient in cannabis as it has a milder effect on the consumer, as well as fewer side effects. While more studies are necessary to confirm the full extent of Delta-8’s benefits and risks, the fact that we know so many good things about Delta-8 gummies is already impressive.
  • Appetite Stimulant – Delta-8 can also help stimulate your appetite if you are not eating enough or you are dealing with an eating disorder. When everything else fails, try some Delta-8 gummies and your appetite for tasty meals will definitely increase.
  • Better Sleep – You will be able to sleep better if you start eating Delta-8 THC gummies regularly. Some users have reported improved sleep patterns once Delta-8 edibles became a part of their routines.
  • Chronic Pain Relief – Delta-8 may also lead to chronic pain relief in some people. Of course, its effects still need more research, but the results are promising so far. However, it is always best to speak to a healthcare expert before you start taking Delta-8 THC for chronic pain.
  • Nausea Relief – When experiencing nausea, you can take some Delta-8 gummies and relieve these symptoms. Delta-8 may be able to ease nausea and vomiting, similar to Delta-9.

·       Delta-10 THC Gummies

Delta-10 didn’t get a lot of attention until quite recently. Compared to Delta-8 and Delta-9, the full extent of its benefits and drawbacks is unclear. More research must be done to find out what its effects are. Delta Remedys doesn’t want you to miss out on any type of THC, so we made sure to bring some Delta-10 THC products for our customers. We have different packs of ring gummies, each jar containing 30 edibles in total. You get 25mg of Delta-10 THC per serving as well. What’s even better is that we ensured that each pack makes your mouth water with its delicious taste – you can get these candies in Peach, Apple, Blue Raspberry, and Watermelon flavors. Of course, you can also get a bundle that includes all 4 jars, so you don’t miss out on the amazing tastes. So far, we know a few of the benefits that Delta-10 gummies can provide:
  • Anxiety Relief – When dealing with anxiety, you will find out that Delta-10 THC can quickly relax you. It can soothe you and make you feel better. This is why Delta-10 gummies are such a great choice.
  • Stress Relief – If you are tired of feeling stressed all the time, you simply need to take a Delta-10 gummy and all your worries will be gone.
  • Less Intense than Delta-9 – While Delta-9 is great in many ways, some people want to stay away from the famous “high” it can lead to. Well, Delta-10 is not as strong as Delta-9, so if you are trying to enjoy some THC benefits without feeling intoxicated, Delta-10 gummies represent the perfect choice. The effects are milder, and you will feel much better after eating one of these tasty candies.
  • Mood Enhancement – If you are feeling down, you can eat one delicious Delta-10 treat and you will feel much better. One of the reported benefits of Delta-10 is mood improvement, so you are likely to be uplifted after consuming one gummy.
  • Appetite Boost – Just like Delta-9, Delta-10 may lead to a boost in appetite. This is thanks to its ability to interact with the endocannabinoid system. It can be a very useful benefit if you don’t eat due to your appetite being low.
  • Neuroprotective Benefits – Eating Delta-10 gummies may provide neuroprotective properties. It can produce a neurotransmitter known as acetylcholine. So, it can help you with memory-related problems, as well as neuroplasticity and cognition. All in all, it can maintain the good health of your brain.
  • Pain Relief – Delta-10 is another compound that helps you fight pain. It is an anti-inflammatory substance, and it can have an impact on your pain receptors and inflammation levels. That being said, if you are in any pain, a Delta-10 gummy may be an ideal way to get some relief and feel better.

·       HHC Gummies

HHC has been around for some time, but it only started gaining more traction in recent years. Even though not everyone is aware of it and what it can do, the demand for HHC products – including gummies – keeps growing. We also have HHC gummies available on Delta Remedys. We provide a pack of 30 delicious HHC peach ring gummies. Each candy has 25 mg of HHC, which should be more than enough to provide you with the desired effects. HHC is similar to other types of THC in the benefits it can offer, but more studies must be conducted to understand it properly. Research on it is still in the early stages, yet there are some promising results regarding the advantages provided by the edibles.
  • Better Sleep Schedules – HHC has the potential to improve your sleep. Not everyone can get a good night’s sleep, especially people who suffer from insomnia. Fortunately, HHC can join you in your battle against sleep disorders as it can help you rest and get a much deeper sleep.
  • Relief for Stress and Anxiety – Another thing that HHC may help with is stress and anxiety. There are various reasons why people experience these things, but there is always a solution. HHC can be one of them. Some HHC users have reported feeling calmer and less stressed after eating HHC gummies, so if you want to decrease your stress levels, HHC can help tremendously.
  • Neuroprotective Properties – Similar to Delta-10 and other THC types, HHC can bring neuroprotective advantages to the table. It can keep your brain cells protected, maintaining the health of your brain.
  • Boosting Appetite – Are you tired of not being able to eat enough or enjoy meals you used to crave all the time? HHC gummies can solve this issue for you. Once you consume one of these treats, your appetite will be stimulated, and you will become hungry. It can be a good solution for individuals who suffer from certain illnesses or eating disorders.
  • Not as Psychoactive as THC – HHC can be made from THC, but that doesn’t mean it is as intense as its “parent”. The substance is actually less psychoactive than THC, meaning it will not make you feel as intoxicated – at least not if you don’t go overboard with its consumption. It’s a good alternative for people who are just getting started with this experience and want to avoid the potential pitfalls of THC.
  • Pain Relief – HHC is another compound that can relieve physical pain. If you are dealing with chronic pain and you are not a fan of opioids, you can always use HHC gummies as an alternative. Of course, it’s best to consult a doctor before doing this.

How Long Until THC Gummies Have Any Effect on You?

After eating a THC gummy, effects should appear quite soon. But how early your edibles kick in is influenced by various aspects. How you consume the gummies, as well as how high your tolerance is and how strong the candies are in the first place will play a role in how quickly you will see any effects. Generally speaking, it can take up to 2 hours for THC gummies to show any influence on you, regardless of the type of THC used. This is because edibles have to pass through your digestive system before the substance makes it into your bloodstream. The first absorption happens in your digestive tract, after which the active ingredients in your candies will enter the bloodstream. This process takes some time and it’s essential to be aware of it so you can eat your gummies at the right time if you want to plan your THC experience accordingly. If your tolerance to THC is not high yet, which is very much possible if you are a beginner, chances are the gummies will kick in faster for you, particularly if the dose is higher than you can handle yet. Also, the ingredients of the gummies will influence the onset time of the THC edibles. When the amount of THC is very high, the gummies can show you what they are capable of more quickly. Onset time is influenced by other factors as well. For instance, your weight, sex, metabolism, and diet can all affect how long it takes for your chosen product to bring any effects. If you want the effects to show up sooner, then there are a few things you can do. Changing your diet can have an influence on the onset time, so you can try this little trick if you don’t want to wait too long. Edibles may work faster if you eat foods that are high in fat. When taken alongside fatty foods, THC works better because it is fat-soluble. There are many fatty foods that you can consume in this case. Some of the best options include avocados, cheese, fatty fish, and nuts. You can also try eating foods with high sugar content or drinking caffeine. These might also affect the onset time for THC gummies because they lead to a boost in blood flow and metabolism, resulting in better THC absorption.

How Long Do THC Gummies Last?

The effects of THC edibles last for a decent amount of time. In fact, you can rest assured that the effect will stay for longer with gummies compared to vaping or smoking. According to studies, peak blood levels are reached about three hours after taking THC edibles. This means that the strongest effects are most likely to happen around this time. That being said, you can expect the effects of your chosen THC gummies to stay for a few hours, which is great if you are looking for something more long-lasting. But you have to keep in mind that several factors influence how long the THC stays in your system. Some of these are the potency of your edibles, as well as the dose you consume. Things like your tolerance, weight, and metabolism will also play a key role in the duration of the effects.

How to Dose Your THC Gummy Consumption

Eating THC edibles is different from using other types of THC products like oils or vapes. The effects are different, and they also take their own amounts of time to manifest. Still, you must dose gummies accordingly. This is particularly important if you are just getting started with them and don’t want to use more than necessary. This applies regardless of the type of THC you settle for. The good news is that these chewable edibles make it a piece of cake to settle on the right dose because each gummy is packed with a certain amount of THC. The key here is to start small. If this is your first venture into the world of THC gummies, you must start with the lowest amount you can find. Usually, 5mg per gummy should be enough. If you cannot find anything lower than 10mg, you can always only eat half of a gummy to get the desired amount. You should read the label before using any THC gummy product. The label will tell you how much THC each candy contains and how much content you get in total in the pack. Once you start getting used to the substance and the effects it causes, you can start increasing the amount slowly. Again, make sure this is a gradual increase and that you don’t jump from 5mg to 25mg in one day. Baby steps are the way to go. Keep increasing it until you reach the appropriate THC dose. You can settle for that amount then and enjoy the benefits it can offer. Keep in mind that high doses are not for everyone, and the risk of side effects is higher with them. You may also be more likely to become dependent on THC this way, particularly if you eat more than one gummy with high cannabinoid content.

Are There Any Risks Associated with THC Gummies?

THC gummies are only risky if you don’t do your research in advance. Generally speaking, THC gummies are safe no matter the type of THC you choose, but you must consume them in appropriate amounts. Beginners or people with low tolerance must start with a small THC dose before they go to something stronger. Also, it’s important to consume THC gummies that are free of toxins. Delta Remedys only offers gummies made from natural ingredients that contain no harmful substances. Each gummy pack has lab testing results attached, so you can check them out for your own peace of mind.