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Delta-9 Gummies

An Uplifting Experience You'll Never Forget

Our Delta-9 gummies are just what you need on any day. They are a delicious way to get the desired boost, and they’re also discreet. After you first try out Delta-9 THC ring gummies, you’ll be on a roll. We’re more than happy to be able to be part of your experience with Delta-9 by offering candies in different flavors and colors. Sure, Delta-9 is quite controversial, mainly due to its source. But we can reassure you that we respect the laws and never go against anything the 2018 Farm Bill says. All our Delta-9 products are sourced from hemp that does not exceed the legal limit. We offer a variety of Delta-9 gummies to suit your taste – therefore, it shouldn’t take long for you to find something you fancy. Any flavor can make you fall in love with the small treats, and you will crave more soon enough. Whether you are looking for something to help you relax, sleep, or relieve some pain, these gummies are the way to go. The Delta-9 content gives you just the appropriate supply of THC, which means that you will get the desired effects without going overboard with your consumption.

What Is Delta-9 THC?

Delta-9 THC or delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol is a chemical compound found in the cannabis plant. Cannabis contains numerous cannabinoids, and Delta-9 THC is only one of them. In fact, it’s the THC type that is present in the highest amount in both cannabis and hemp. For this reason, most of the effects generated by cannabis and hemp consumption are attributed to Delta-9. The main thing about Delta-9 and cannabinoids in general is that they have the ability to affect your mind and body. They can have both benefits and drawbacks, depending on your use, the amount you consume, your tolerance, the use frequency, and so on. Nevertheless, most people love it both for recreational and medical purposes. If you keep yourself informed and you are very careful with how you use the substance, you can minimize its possible drawbacks. Cannabis has been used for a very long time. In fact, its history dates back thousands of years. China is the first country that appears on record for the first use of cannabis. Chinese people were using the plant to make medicine, but also textiles and food. Still, it didn’t take too long for hemp to make its way to the Americas and Europe after some time. The plant also started to get more extended use, with people using it for recreational purposes, as well as ritual ones. It was in the 1600s that cannabis was introduced in the United States. Initially, it was being used as legal tender, but people would also use it for making textiles. In some instances, it would also become part of people’s treatments for different illnesses. Between the 1930s and 1940s, more and more individuals were beginning to use cannabis recreationally. This is also when campaigns against drugs were being launched. Some states even started to make laws that prohibited the use of marijuana, while some films would show how dangerous it could be. Marijuana joined the Controlled Substances Act in 1970, becoming a Schedule I drug. This was all because the potential for abuse was very high. With all the panic surrounding the use of marijuana, a lot of people ended up being incarcerated for simply possessing the substance, let alone using it. While marijuana remains an illegal drug, there are ways to experience the effects of Delta-9 THC without harming yourself, and that is through Delta-9 gummies derived from hemp. When the substance is extracted from hemp grown according to the 2018 Farm Bill, there should be no risks. Here, at Delta Remedys, we can reassure you that all Delta-9 THC gummies are made in accordance with the law, so you do not have to worry about legal repercussions.

How Legal Is Delta-9 THC?

The use of Delta-9 has been pretty controversial over the years. Many consider it dangerous, and some are even scared to try it because of the potential downsides, even if the benefits tempt them. The truth is that buying and selling industrial hemp cannabis products is legal at a federal level, which is all due to a little loophole in the 2018 Farm Bill. It’s legal to grow hemp and make products with extracted compounds as long as the plants do not have a high concentration of Delta-9. The limit is 0.3%. As long as this level is respected, there are no problems in purchasing and consuming Delta-9 THC gummies, and there will definitely be no legal repercussions for selling them. At the same time, it is important to take state laws into consideration as well. Each state is different, and while Delta-9 THC is perfectly fine on a federal level as long as the Farm Bill is respected, the compound is still illegal in several states. This is why it is important to check the laws in your own state before you purchase and consume Delta-9 THC gummies.

What Is the Right Delta-9 Dose?

Everyone is different, which means that the appropriate dose will not be the same for all people. Tolerance varies a lot, especially between newcomers and more experienced users. Now, before you jump on the Delta-9 train, there is one thing to keep in mind – despite the benefits, the substance still leads to mind-altering effects, which is why it should be used in moderation. This applies especially if you are a beginner, and you don’t know your tolerance levels yet. To put it simply, Delta-9 THC can lead to very unpleasant symptoms if you use it in excessive amounts. For instance, it can cause paranoia, nausea, mental fog, and anxiety. That’s the last thing you want from your first experience with Delta-9 gummies. After all, you would expect a tasty treat to boost your mood, not make you feel like dying. If you are just getting started with Delta-9 THC, a lower dose is always the best way to go. Start with smaller amounts of Delta-9 THC and stay like that for a while until your body gets used to it. Then, you can gradually increase the dosage until you reach just the perfect amount. Remember – you don’t have to grow it to the highest dosage possible. Just do it until it feels right for you. So, let’s say you are just about to use Delta-9 for the first time. An appropriate dose to start with would be 5mg of THC each day. If you cannot find gummies with such a low dosage, you could always buy gummies that contain more THC and eat only half of each every day. As you are starting to get used to the feeling over the next few days and weeks, you can increase the amount and consume up to 15mg of Delta-9 THC. Lastly, you can finally switch to over 15mg if you become a regular user. At Delta Remedys, you are able to find Delta-9 gummies with 20mg of Delta-9 THC. They are great for casual and regular users, and after you taste them, you will not want to stay away from them for too long. They come in various flavors, including Apple, Blue Raspberry, Watermelon and Peach. We even have a bundle with all 4 flavors if you want to taste them all and see what suits you.

How Can Delta-9 THC Gummies Help You?

Perhaps your first time hearing about Delta-9 THC was from friends, or just from someone who is already accustomed to it and has spoken about its amazing effects. But before you begin your journey with Delta-9 gummies, you must understand what they can do for you. As you can already imagine, the Delta-9 THC inside these gummies can have some mind-altering effects, and also some physical effects. You will find that they can become quite beneficial in various situations, especially if you don’t go overboard with them. Overall, here is what you can experience by consuming Delta-9 THC gummies:

·       Sleep Disturbance Relief

Ever had problems falling asleep due to anxiety or a sleep disorder? Delta-9 THC gummies are here to save the day. Many studies have shown that Delta-9 THC can improve sleep, even in people who are dealing with insomnia or other sleep issues. Therefore, Delta-9 THC has become a common ally for those who want to treat their sleep-related problems. What’s great is that you can find a variety of Delta-9 gummies, so there are products made specifically for people who need some sleep improvements. These contain the right amount of THC to help you sleep as well. While using Delta Remedys’ Delta-9 gummies to help you sleep is a good idea, you should be very careful when taking this approach. It may be a solution for sure, but there are still more studies to be made on the compound and its effects. So, it’s not yet clear how Delta-9 THC impacts your sleeping pattern. This is why we advise talking to a healthcare provider before you consider using Delta-9 THC to treat your sleep disorder.

·       Relief for Chronic Pain

Finding something to help you with your chronic pain may have become your life mission. There is a lot of medication that may help, but some people have also tried Delta-9 THC. It turns out that this compound can help in this regard. Some studies have shown its effectiveness in treating chronic pain related to fibromyalgia, central neuropathy, and many other conditions. That being said, a lot of people who are dealing with chronic pain have also started to look into the benefits of Delta-9 as a supplementary treatment. Delta-9 THC gummies can be a good way to manage your chronic pain, but you shouldn’t rely solely on it for this issue. Ideally, you should consult a healthcare professional before taking these candies to relieve your pain. This is essential if you are already taking some medication and you don’t want the different substances to interfere with each other.

·       Stress and Anxiety Help

Did you know that using Delta-9 THC can be a great way to alleviate anxiety and stress? Some people claim that using Delta-9 THC in the right amount can bring them well-deserved relief. Delta-9 gummies can certainly have a soothing effect in some cases, but it depends on several factors. The amount you consume, as well as the frequency and the way your body reacts to the substance, will influence how much of an anxiety relief Delta-9 can be for you. It is not right for everyone, and the compound may actually cause more issues for some people. This is why you should not rush into using D9 THC for anxiety unless you have consulted a medical professional first or you have tried such gummies before, and they helped you.

·       Amazing Taste

One of the best things about Delta-9 THC gummies is their incredible taste. They will leave your mouth watering, craving for more as soon as you are taking your first dose. At Delta Remedys, we offer 4 different flavors for you to choose from. These include Blue Raspberry, Watermelon, Apple, and Peach. The fruity flavors, combined with the 20mg of THC, can turn a stressful day into a happy one.

·       Improved Mood

Another thing you can get by consuming Delta-9 THC gummies is mood control. Using Delta-9 THC gummies is a good way to go from a bad mood to a joyful one. So, if you are looking for a way to regulate your mood, look no further than Delta Remedys’ Delta-9 THC gummies.

·       Nausea Relief

Nobody likes experiencing nausea, especially when it lingers for too long. Well, when it comes to Delta-9 THC, one of its best abilities is relieving nausea. Some studies revealed that Delta-9 THC is effective in treating chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. For this reason, many individuals see Delta-9 THC as the best option for relief when they are working on treating cancer. Chemotherapy patients usually seek relief from the treatment’s effects, and Delta-9 is right there to help them. Before seeking relief for nausea from Delta-9 THC gummies, though, we suggest speaking with a healthcare professional. You will then find out if this is the best option for you or not.

How Safe Are Delta-9 THC Gummies?

We can reassure you that Delta-9 THC gummies are very safe. The only thing you must pay attention to is the source of the cannabinoid. You want to consume pure products, not something tainted by toxins. Now, when it comes to hemp-derived cannabinoids, the FDA doesn’t really keep an eye on the manufacturing process and distribution of products that contain them. As such, a lot of companies have to come up with their own purity and safety standards – so, you have to trust a particular firm to provide you with safe gummies. Here, at Delta Remedys, we only use the highest-quality hemp to extract the THC and create the delicious gummies we have for sale. The good news is that we also send out gummies for testing before making them available as a way to further ensure that they are safe for consumption. Third-party lab testing is conducted for each gummy pack. You even have the opportunity to check these lab tests yourself and see how safe the treats are. Each jar contains 400mg Delta-9 THC in total, and you get 20mg of THC per gummy. All ingredients used are 100% natural for your own peace of mind. So, while it can be risky to consume Delta-9 THC when you are unaware of the source, you shouldn’t have any concerns if you get yours from Delta Remedys. On the other hand, you may be worried about overdosing, which is completely understandable. The good news is that, so far, we do not have any records of anyone passing away from a cannabis overdose. Still, that shouldn’t give you the green light to abuse THC. Make sure you proceed with caution and only use as much as your body can take.

Are There Any Side Effects When Using Delta-9 THC Gummies?

Even though the gummies we have in our shop are safe for everyone, you should still keep in mind that some side effects can occur in some individuals when consuming Delta-9 THC. Now, the effects are temporary for the most part, but since they can be quite unpleasant nonetheless, you should know what to expect. Some of the most common side effects associated with consuming Delta-9 THC include:
  • Red eyes
  • Anxiety
  • Slower reaction times
  • Memory loss
  • A boost in appetite
  • Increased heart rate
  • Dry mouth
There are also some rare situations when higher THC dosages may lead to:
  • Panic attacks
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Paranoia
  • Hallucinations
Risks are also influenced by your age. According to some studies, brain development may be affected by early cannabis use. It’s recommended to be of age before you touch Delta-9 THC gummies, particularly if you don’t know if you will be able to control your urges.

How Is Delta-9 Different from Delta-8?

Delta-9 is the compound that is present in cannabis in the highest amount. It is the psychoactive substance that is responsible for the “high” often associated with cannabis. That being said, it’s easier to find it and extract it naturally. But when compared to Delta-8, Delta-9 can be more intoxicating. Delta-8 occurs in cannabis in very small amounts, which is why many manufacturers resort to creating it artificially. While both substances are psychoactive, Delta-9 is the more intense one between the two. Some reports even claim that there were fewer side effects associated with Delta-8 compared to Delta-9. At the same time, this shouldn’t make you fear Delta Remedys products. As long as you respect the instructions offered on the Delta-9 THC gummy jars and don’t go overboard with the consumption, you should be OK.

What Is the Difference Between Delta-9 Gummies and Other Delta-9 Products?

As you already know, Delta-9 is not only added to gummies but also to other products. The substance can be infused in oils, creams, and other such things. This is great as it allows more versatility for people who want to experience Delta-9 without having their minds altered by its effects. Now, the methods will require different uses, so if you want to choose the perfect way to enjoy Delta-9 THC, you must know the differences.

·       Delta-9 THC Edibles

The most common type of Delta-9 edible comes in the form of gummies. It is the one that takes the longest time to bring any effects, as well as the longest to wear off. This is because when you eat Delta-9 gummies, they must first pass through your digestive system. This takes some time, as they get into your stomach and pass through the liver before they get into your bloodstream. It’s a good option for those who want effects to last longer but may not be ideal if you want an immediate impact. Nevertheless, Delta-9 gummies are safe to use, and they can also let you enjoy a tasty treat at the same time. What’s not to love about them?

·       Delta-9 THC Oils

Another popular form is Delta-9 THC oils. This is a very fast way to obtain the effects you seek from Delta-9 THC because you put some drops under your tongue and allow them to stay there for several seconds or minutes. This lets the substance enter your bloodstream much faster, meaning you can experience the effects in as little as 30 minutes. Oil can also be added to certain foods or drinks, but this may cause the effects to take longer to appear. The downside is that the taste of Delta-9 THC oil is not the best, so you may not enjoy that.

·       Delta-9 Disposable Carts and Vapes

You can also use Delta-9 carts and vapes for some cool effects. Now, while it takes just a few minutes to feel the impact of the products, it takes a few hours for the effects to wear off. The downside is that vapes must be replaced now and then, as the battery runs out after some time. Furthermore, you need to replace the vape oil after a while.

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