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How to Use THC Edibles for Weight Loss

Overeating is the leading cause of obesity, as we all know. To what end, then, would anyone suggest cannabis (THC) as a means of losing weight? Recently conducted research, however, has shown that things are more nuanced than previously believed!

By: Nadeem Nazar

Last Updated: February 17, 2025

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A young woman with curly hair, wearing a white t-shirt, holds colorful gummy candies in her hands against a red curtain background.
Overeating is the leading cause of obesity, as we all know. To what end, then, would anyone suggest cannabis (THC) as a means of losing weight? Recently conducted research, however, has shown that things are more nuanced than previously believed. Let us find out what is the relation between weight loss and THC edibles!

Table of Contents

What is the first thing that pops into your mind when you hear the term “marijuana edibles or the effects of cannabis edibles?” You’d be justified in picturing sweets like brownies or candy. Edibles sold in dispensaries often take the form of sugary snacks made from African Sativa.

Some patients, those trying cannabinoids for control of chemotherapy-induced discomforts, make use of the effects of cannabis and believe that the benefits they provide are higher than the risks. Especially those linked with the high fat and sugar content of the foods that they consume. This is the wrong action against cannabis.

If, on the other hand, you are attempting to reduce your body fat as part of a balanced lifestyle, you might wish to investigate other food options and dietary supplement products apart from African Sativa snacks through studies of cannabis.

It’s important to get this out of the way first: effects of cannabis edibles aren’t a miracle solution for weight loss as per the evidence from studies of cannabis. After a significant amount of weight gain, you need a long-term plan that includes a diet and activity component to put your weight back to normal without any adverse event reports.

To that end, there are a few ways in which consuming edibles infused with marijuana may help your weight loss efforts as per the recent investigation of cannabis.

Cannabinoids, and in particular THC and CBD, may be able to assist you in addressing the root issue of your weight increase according to cannabis researchers. However, this will depend on the reasons why you have gained weight in the first place.

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What Exactly Are Edibles?

Tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, is the psychoactive compound in marijuana that is used to make edibles and other dietary supplement products. It is important that you learn the dietary supplement definition to understand this common cannabinoid in detail and better investigation of cannabis.

It has cannabinoids for control of chemotherapy-induced discomforts without any adverse event reports from the patients. THC in food is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream after consumption as per the evidence from the studies and investigation of cannabis by cannabis researchers.

However, absorption may be slowed down by the amount eaten and the presence of other foods in the stomach. As a result, people may overindulge before they realize it and interpret it as adverse event reports under medical cannabis laws.

Medicinal cannabinoids with various positions of carbon atoms, when ingested in the edible form, are absorbed in the same way as food and medicine are. They fall under the dietary supplement definition under medical cannabis laws. A cannabis brownie eaten as dessert after a heavy meal will take longer for the body to absorb the THC than a plain brownie which will add up fat cells.

Here’s where edibles really stand out from smoking a joint: Smoking THC causes rapid absorption into the bloodstream, but oral ingestion may not produce full effects for several hours while in your digestive tract.

The Inside Science of Cannabis

Marijuana, or cannabis in the scientific sense with evidence from studies, contains several chemicals known collectively as cannabinoids. The one that causes intoxication and other adverse event reports is THC. But as per the medical cannabis laws, this also happens to be the most well-known under the dietary supplement definition and effects of cannabis use.

Also, you may be familiar with CBD, as this variant is currently the subject of the most study on its potential medical applications as an active compound. There is no evidence from a systematic review that using CBD or cannabis-derived products will lead to gaining weight or fat cells. It doesn’t make you hungrier either or cause abdominal pain as cannabis use disorder.

Therefore, those who consume CBD oil devoid of THC should not be concerned about putting on weight or abdominal pain as part of their adverse event reports. Unless it is accidental ingestion in heavy doses.

It’s true that CBD-only edibles or other cannabis-derived products can offset THC’s appetite-inducing effects. However, it appears that cannabis-infused edibles on their own do not promote weight loss as a common cannabinoid.

Other cannabinoids exist in the world of active cannabinoids with dietary ingredients. THCV, in particular, has been linked to weight loss on its dry weight basis. In contrast to THC, THCV reduces hunger when used in cannabis-derived products.

Moreover, it appears to influence how the body handles glucose even after cancer chemotherapy. If you’re looking for a strain that helps you eat less, selecting one with a higher THCV content may be the way to go as per the systematic review on the effects of cannabis use disorder.

Marijuana is not like other drugs like blood thinners; it is a plant with active cannabinoids that produces the best cannabis-derived products. As a result, the ratio of cannabinoids in cannabis use disorder varies depending on which strain is used.

Because of this, weed dispensaries like Delta Remedys typically provide lab reports and systematic reviews of their strains detailing the ratios of various cannabinoids and cannabis-derived products.

Tetrahydrocannabinol ( THC ) And Weight Gain

A high THC content is necessary for some people to function normally. It also works in patients undergoing cancer chemotherapy. Does this automatically make them fat by using cannabinoid products?

Some research in fat mice suggests that the munchies caused by cannabis-derived products may not be as severe as they first appear. A four-week THC treatment was given to obese mice in a study published in 2015. Weight loss occurred even in heavier animals, which scientists found surprising. However, the method of administration was different with different cannabinoid products.

Inhalation, such as with a vape pen with active compounds, is the most common method of consumption among humans. But THC was given orally to these animals. Ingesting THC, according to the researchers hypothesize, altered the mice’s gut flora, leading to weight loss.

Scientists are devoting a great deal of time and energy to studying the intestinal microbiome because it appears to regulate so many aspects of human behavior and physiology.

Marijuana users, even those who partake in the munchies phenomena, appear to have a lower obesity prevalence than non-users. The prevalence of the metabolic syndrome is also lower in this population. This syndrome increases the risk of developing obesity, diabetes, and other conditions related to excess body fat.

Eight thousand five hundred respondents participated in the survey about obesity and marijuana use. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome among users was 14%, lower than among non-users (22%) of cannabis dietary ingredients.

The question now is whether or if the use of THC can affect metabolic syndrome, and if so, at what dose and for how long. More investigation is required on cannabis-derived ingredients for weight loss on a dry weight basis.

Even though there is numerous more research on the topic of cannabis-derived ingredients and obesity, such as Obesity and Cannabis Use and Marijuana and Body Weight, the end conclusions from 2 Representative National Surveys came out to be the same.

The summary is as follows:

  • Users of cannabis-derived ingredients tend to have healthier body mass indexes.
  • People who regularly use cannabis or hemp-seed-derived ingredients tend to have slimmer physiques.
  • While THC can increase hunger and dry mouth, THCV can make you feel full faster, unlike any other drug substance. You can use mouth sprays for dry mouth.
  • Individuals who are at risk of becoming overweight can benefit the most from suppressing their appetite by avoiding accidental ingestion. Whereas those who must gain weight, such as patients with cancer or sclerosis patients, can benefit the most from increasing their hunger with edible marijuana with hemp seed-derived ingredients.
  • More study is needed to fully comprehend the relationships between its components and weight loss in patients.
  • Those who regularly partake in cannabis use have much lower fasting blood sugar levels and, hence, are less likely to develop diabetes with major weight loss in patients.
  • Chronic cannabis users are especially stereotyped as being notoriously overweight while eating more than usual when taking edible marijuana or diet weed.

What Is The Shelf Life Of THC Edibles?

The full effects of edibles with hemp seed-derived ingredients may not be felt for up to three hours after consumption. While the effects of edibles with hemp seed ingredients may linger for up to six hours, they are often at their peak within the first three hours.

As a result, it’s recommended that you wait at least two hours before eating another delectable. Let’s pretend the brownie with cannabis-derived ingredients was so delicious that you had more than one.

At this point, you probably don’t care that much about the extra sugar and calories. The effects of eating a brownie with a high THC content may last for up to 12 hours.

The effects of medicinal cannabis edible with hemp seed ingredients will vary depending on the kind a cannabis consumer eats. Cannabidiol (THC) can be absorbed in the intestines because it dissolves in lipids as per medical marijuana laws. Because of the high-fat content, many edibles are sweets like brownies and cookies loaded with THC.

If the combination with synthetic cannabinoids is not evenly distributed with any drug substance, certain areas of your favorite cookie will have a significantly higher concentration of THC than other parts of the cookie. This is one of the biggest reasons for negative effects and why we are dubious about dissolving THC or hemp seed ingredients in butter or experimental animal feed.

Gummies sold in single-serve packages or other forms of discrete edibles must disclose the total quantity of THC they contain on their packaging in states that require this information. This is important as per the medical marijuana laws. But the amount of THC or other cannabis-derived ingredients from the cannabis plant in each serving may not be strictly monitored by many bakeries and facilities creating edibles with psychoactive effects.

And even if they are labeled with active ingredients, you still can’t necessarily trust the figures since there isn’t much oversight,  like with supplements or other botanical drug products for chronic pain relief. It is the responsibility of the consumer to investigate the origin of the edibles, along with the drug development process, they purchase and consume to guarantee that the source is trustworthy.

In accordance with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and National Cancer Institute, it is in principle illegal to sell any food or botanical drug product that contains THC over state lines. This applies to both birth-weight edibles and beverages that are made from the drug development process using cannabis-derived compounds or synthetic cannabinoids.

Incorporate THC Edibles Into Your Healthy Routine

There are a few things you can do to get the most out of the doses of marijuana edibles’ health benefits and avoid acute effects like putting on weight, chronic pain, or neuropathic pain as you indulge in marijuana extracts or drug in food:

  • Make your own low-calorie edibles or doses of marijuana by mixing CBD oil or THC tinctures into your go-to healthy recipes. Cannabis is best metabolized with lipids, so add it to canna-butter, yogurt, or coconut oil to make it marijuana oil.
  • Instead of buying sugary chocolates and cookies, try purchasing naturally sweetened gummies and flavored beverages.
  • Make sure to consume a well-rounded diet that must be loaded with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Also, it must have complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, complete proteins, and other important nutrients like Omega-3 fatty acids along with cannabis-derived compounds.
  • A healthy and active lifestyle is one in which the individual spends a significant amount of time outside, taking in lots of natural light and oxygen. Also, keep their heart rate elevated by participating in vigorous physical activity on a regular basis as current marijuana users.

Reasons How THC Work as a Weight Loss Agent

Here are some top reasons why current marijuana users are loving the definition of marijuana and taking marijuana extracts and cannabis-derived compounds for weight loss:

Some People May Cut Back On Drinking As A Result

Young individuals who use cannabis like marijuana oil may be less likely to drink alcohol than their non-using peers. This is an authentic report according to some experts. This may explain why they have lower body mass indexes: they are consuming fewer calories overall in the form of marijuana oil or other marijuana extracts.

Reduces Tension

Eating as a coping mechanism during times of stress is a true phenomenon as per U.S. Food and Drug Administration. When under pressure, people are more inclined to overeat and go for comfort foods, according to a reliable study with the best definition of marijuana.

It’s good knowing that acute marijuana has calming and beneficial effects even for neuropathic pain. It can help reduce anxiety without any adverse health effects. One line of thinking from a systematic review holds that this could help some people forego their usual “comfort food” when under stress as an adverse effects.

The Ability To Move Around More Freely Is One Benefit

Effects of cannabis, when taken appropriately, may reduce soreness and joint stiffness along with neuropathic pain. This suggests that those who have trouble moving about due to neuropathic pain may be able to do more when under the influence of export cannabis or acute marijuana.

It Might Help You Get A Better Night’s Rest

Sleep deprivation may contribute to weight gain along with other effects of marijuana (medical marijuana) and cannabis-derived compounds. Cannabidiol (CBD) may help with sleeplessness, according to some studies on effects of cannabis use. The stress and suffering that often accompany insomnia may also be alleviated with edible cannabis products.

The Metabolism May Be Boosted

Cannabinoid Receptor 1 (CB1) is involved in metabolism and satiety, and there is some evidence (but not conclusive proof) that export cannabis has an effect on this receptor without any adverse effects.

An increased metabolic rate and decreased capacity for fat accumulation may explain why the heavy effects of cannabis or cannabis-derived compound use are associated with a lower body mass index as per the cannabis study.

Advice on Snacking Less and Losing Weight

Does anybody feel like eating while on acute marijuana as an adverse effect? The answer is conditional on the specific cannabinoids in question. So in theory, yes, everyone can have the munchies with exposure to cannabis!

However, this is not always the case when you take acute marijuana or enjoy the effects of marijuana with healthy food intake and balanced caloric intake. For instance, consuming a strain like Willie Nelson, which was developed to have a high concentration of the cannabinoid tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV), will not cause you to feel eating more according to studies of cannabis.

Researchers were shocked to find that the neurons they believed were responsible for shutting down eating were instead being active and increasing hunger, even when you are full. Because of this, the central feeding system of the brain gets tricked by access to cannabis extract as per the animal studies conducted on the federal level.

If you’re having trouble finding and using strains rich in THCV to suppress your appetite, here are some strategies with anecdotal evidence for making hunger-stimulating strains work in your favor:

  • Replace sweet snacks like chocolate with fruit and celery for a more balanced diet.
  • Choose whole-grain cereal or snacks in place of bread.
  • Replace chips or crisps with popcorn, almonds, or seeds instead of snacking on chips & crisps (without the salt and butter).
  • Keep your water intake high, but don’t go above a gallon a day.
  • Swap out your sodas and cold drinks with some homemade unsweetened iced teas.
  • If you want to avoid giving in to cravings for unhealthy foods, refrain from purchasing such items to take full benefits of cannabis.
  • Please take your time while snacking. Enjoy the taste of your food by taking your time. This is a great way to control your appetite and not overeat while having access to cannabis.
  • Learn some tasty and healthy cooking techniques. Eating healthily doesn’t have to be uninteresting.
  • Importantly, get ready. Before you smoke weed, fuel your body with nutritious meals and snacks. You may now decide what goes into your body.

If you’re a regular cannabis oil (cannabis-derived compound) user who also happens to be trying to trim down, you might want to consider making some dietary adjustments to lessen the effects of marijuana. Many people, contrary to conventional wisdom, feel that eating more of the appropriate kinds of food and burning more is the key to reducing fat.

Tobacco use or the consumption of edibles that do not contain THCV are unlikely to cause weight loss if neither physical activity nor a healthy diet is practiced. Using your hunger to your advantage requires a little extra effort, but the payoff is well worth it.

Physical and mental well-being improves when you focus on eating more healthful, fiber, and high-quality meals rather than less and completely depending on the effects of marijuana or cannabis oil; cannabis-derived compounds.

Summing Up

While for some medical marijuana patients cannabis edibles or cannabis medicines may cause hunger pangs and lead to weight gain, there are other choices out there that help with appetite suppression and weight loss. The right application for cannabis medicine can be a game changer for you as per the scientific study.

While edible products with high THC content may encourage the munchies, you can get Sativa plant edibles with negligible THC and a higher content of CBD, a non-psychoactive cannabinoid with a growing list of health benefits and better effects of marijuana.

Regular exercise is essential to any weight loss plan, but the success or failure of your efforts will ultimately depend on the choices you make in the kitchen and the application for cannabis. Ingesting THCV for its appetite-suppressing properties or THC for its munchies effects is perfectly acceptable (inhalation, edibles, or whatever your personal preference is).

Consuming cannabis to enjoy the effects of marijuana may come with a plethora of health benefits, including but not limited to weight loss. Learn to manage your health and weight, and enjoy the benefits of lifting and strain hunting along with healthy food intake and balanced caloric intake.

CBD from cannabis can also help with conditions such as pain, anxiety, depression, and sleeplessness. These are things that can lead to overeating or prevent you from being active and burning off calories which is an action against cannabis.

Of course, there are a lot of great CBD edibles on the market. Get the best ones after making the investigation of cannabis in the right manner.

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Our 60 pack contains 20 of each Apple, Peach, and watermelon flavors. Each gummy contains 25mg of Delta 8 THC for a total of 1500mg in a bottle.

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