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There is a lot of stuff going on in the cannabis market regarding the organic and synthetic nature of Delta 9. In the case of Delta 9 gummies, many experts are questioning what goes inside and how justified it is to call the products “hemp-derived?” Are they really hemp-derived? What can you expect when buying your favorite Delta 9 gummies from a reliable source? How can you confirm the quality of the product? If you have the same questions, read this post until the end!

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Delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol has recently made a big splash in the hemp supplement industry.  In recent years, items such as Delta 9 gummies, Delta 8 Gummies, HHC Gummies

Delta 10 Gummies, Delta 8 tinctures, Delta 9 tinctures, and carts have been selling like hotcakes.

This is a direct result of the growing popularity of THC generated from hemp in the CBD industry. Even though there is an increasing demand for Delta-9 THC among customers, there are still some consumers who are concerned about the legitimacy of the product in terms of whether it is sourced organically or inorganically.

CBD is indeed used to "synthesize" some cannabinoids produced from hemp; nonetheless, the great majority of these chemicals do not satisfy the requirements to be classified as synthetic cannabinoids. Similar to the highly potent cannabinoid extracted from marijuana, Delta-9, which is derived from hemp, is also considered to be genuine Delta-9. However, due to a particular legal loophole, fewer restrictions are placed on its utilization.

Although most people believe otherwise, this loophole is not a synthesis, and the Delta-9 found in hemp originates from natural sources. But you might still have some doubts, so we have written this in-depth blog exclusively for you!

What Are Synthetic Cannabinoids?

Using the term "synthetic cannabinoid" to refer to cannabinoids that are produced by hemp could potentially confuse their origins and use. When referring to popular street narcotics like K2 (also known as "spice"), the term "synthetic cannabinoid" is frequently used.

It is important to note that neither the natural cannabis plant nor any of these synthetic substances are related to the plant by any means. They are not only against the law but can potentially cause harm to the users.

Regarding the use of the term "synthetic" by the Drug Enforcement Administration, there is no predetermined connotation involved.

An example of a synthetic cannabinoid description was used in a legal case in 2018. This description presents one possible definition of a synthetic cannabinoid. It states that synthetic cannabinoids are total agonists, in contrast to THC, which is a full agonist. As a result, synthetic cannabinoids lead to a more potent response than THC, as stated by Dr. Trecki, a pharmacologist working for the Drug Enforcement Administration.

It is essential to keep in mind that K2 is a mixture of molecules that imitate THC but in a way that amplifies the effects that it has on the endocannabinoid system. K2 displays effects that are far more strong than those of cannabinoids present in cannabis because it is a full agonist.

When natural cannabinoids are used, the risk of having significant side effects and dependence is significantly higher. This is because of the differences between the two.

Synthetic Cannabinoids Debut

With the apparent passage of the Farm Bill of 2018, the United States of America can manufacture CBD on a massive scale. Because of their rapid expansion, several companies competed in a market already at capacity, selling different types of edibles.

To gain a competitive advantage in the market, certain businesses began producing synthetic Delta-8 THC from CBD. As a result of the fact that the end product was made from hemp, which was technically legal according to the Farm Bill, the market for THC products derived from hemp came into existence in the United States.

The production of Delta-9 THC from hemp began not long after the availability of synthetic Delta-8 THC as a psychoactive compound. The Delta 9 THC gummies market was more significant than the Delta 8 THC Gummies market because Delta-9 is the more efficient variety.

Even though they have only been on the market for a short period of time, products manufactured from hemp and containing Delta-9 THC are already consistently ranked among the most sought-after items in the CBD market.

Hemp Delta-9—What is it?

When people say that Delta-9, which comes from hemp, is a naturally occurring cannabis, they are absolutely right!

The Delta-9 that is present in hemp is also present in the cannabis strains that are considered to be the most potent. For a cannabis strain to be legally classified as a hemp strain, it must have less than 0.3% Delta-9-THC ten percent. There is no difference in the potency of Delta-9 strains between those found in marijuana and those found in hemp.

Some questions may come up when you are performing the calculations, such as the following:

  • Why is it that hemp can be used to create Delta-9 products despite having a low Delta-9-THC content?
  • To produce even a single Delta-9 product, a vast quantity of hemp is unquestionably required. On the other hand, maybe the actual problem is that Delta-9 products made from hemp don't have enough potency?
  • Considering that Delta-9 is still illegal at the federal level, how is it possible for hemp products containing Delta-9 to be sold legally?

For anyone who is not familiar with the manufacturing process of hemp, all indications go to synthesis, which is an inaccurate conclusion.

The Real Mess

One of the most common causes of confusion is the fact that the production of D9 edibles is comparable to that of other well-known cannabinoids derived from hemp, such as Delta-8 and Delta-10.

To effectively manufacture these cannabinoids, it is essential to use a "synthesization" technique. This is because hemp does not naturally contain a significant amount of these substances.

To provide a more detailed explanation of “is delta 9 real weed?” , CBD undergoes a process known as "isomerization," which transforms CBD into other cannabinoids such as Delta-8 and Delta-10.

Through the process of isomerization, a molecule can transform into its isomer. Isomers are molecules with identical compositions but different configurations of their constituents.

The process of isomerization, on the other hand, does not entail the incorporation of any synthetic molecules. To complete the process, one cannabinoid derived from hemp is converted into another cannabinoid by employing an acid as a catalyst, and then the acid is removed.

It is important to note that this method does not involve the utilization of any synthetic cannabinoids; rather, it starts with natural hemp material and ends with hemp cannabinoids themselves.

In contrast to the widespread perception, this is not the method by which Delta-9 is produced; even if it were, the material would not be considered "synthetic." This would only transform it into an isomer.

Natural Hemp Delta-9 is Available!

As a consequence of the CBD isolation process, hemp manufacturers can make use of the naturally occurring Delta-9 even though it is only available in highly minute quantities in the cannabis universe.

When CBD extract is crystallized, a process used to purify it in the production of products such as CBD isolate, a liquid byproduct known as "mother liquor" is created. The byproduct contains all of the other cannabinoids produced from hemp, including cannabidiol (CBD), cannabidiol (CBN), and yes, Delta-9-THC itself.

Federal law states that the maximum allowable concentration of Delta-9-THC in raw hemp material is 0.3% by dry weight. Because of this, Delta-9 products generated from hemp must first go through refining to extract the Delta-9 molecules. This is because the mother liquor only contains a relatively small amount of Delta-9.

But it is important to remember that even if the legal criteria are clear, in case you are expecting a drug test in the coming future, learning everything about whether Delta 9 or does delta 8 show up on drug tests is critical.

Failing to do so might get you in trouble, as drug test results are often positive when these compounds are present in your bloodstream.

Moreover, if you plan to fly soon, gather all the information you can about whether you can take Delta 9 or Delta 8 on a plane or fly with Delta 8 or Delta 9 in various states. The flying laws are very different from state to state.

Identifying Products Containing Synthetic Delta-9 THC

Two distinct methods can be utilized to quickly recognize a Delta-9 product, such as THC Gummies, that has been generated through the utilization of this chemical technique. Here is what you need to do:

  • Put it to the test for yourself: Products produced using the chemical process are odorless and do not have any flavor reminiscent of hemp. Products derived from hemp and cannabis that include THC have flavor profiles that are described as grassy, earthy, and even slightly bitter.
  • Investigate the findings of the product's testing in the laboratory: This chemical method does not result in the presence of any naturally occurring terpenes or any other cannabinoids in the THC products that are manufactured. Certain naturally occurring cannabinoids, including cannabidiol (CBD), cannabidiol (CBG), and cannabidiol (CBN), are found in high amounts in THC products that are safely generated from legal hemp.

By utilizing only components derived from plants, not only are we able to stay within the confines of the law, but we are also able to achieve a ratio of cannabis to beneficial plant compounds that are more in line with what nature intended.

The result is the well-known entourage effect, which describes the phenomenon in which a combination of many cannabinoids and terpenes has a more decisive influence than any of them by themselves.

However, what factors contribute to the occurrence of this?

Numerous chemicals influence a wide range of physiological processes and signaling pathways. Therefore, their impacts on these pathways can raise the likelihood of comprehensive therapeutic action, putting you firmly on the path to achieving optimal mental and physical health.

Best Hemp-Derived Delta-9-THC Online Sources

Even though cannabidiol (CBD) and other products produced from hemp are readily available, Delta-9, which is generated from hemp, is still relatively new and not commonly available.

After determining whether or not hemp Delta-9 products are permitted in your state, you should be able to locate legal hemp D9 products available for purchase on the internet.

It is essential to recognize quality hemp THC products. Find Delta-9 products created in a facility that complies with cGMP standards and uses legal hemp material. In addition, be certain that the company is prepared to provide a Certificate of Analysis to back up its statements regarding the potency of its THC products.

If you are currently looking for THC that has been derived from hemp, you should have a look at our Delta Remedys Collection. In case you are well aware of the vital knowledge regarding HHC vs THC and THCP vs THC, you will find that our products are purely made from hemp-derived THC and come with the ideal legal percentage of THC content.


There has never been a time in the cannabis industry that has been more transformational or simply uncertain. Because regulatory restrictions are being relaxed (or tightened) in various parts of the world, an increasing number of companies are being forced to make challenging decisions regarding the precise compositions of THC and CBD products that they can manufacture.

In addition, the absence of testing and regulation allows potentially hazardous products to be sold. Although the federal government acknowledges Delta-9-THC as a legal chemical, not all states agree.

A limited number of states have approved laws that either prohibit or severely restrict the sale of THC products manufactured from hemp or that require a specific license from a dispensary within the state. This contrasts with most states, which have passed legislation in line with federal hemp standards.

At Delta Remedys, we are delighted that we only use materials of the best possible quality and put every one of our products through rigorous testing. When you purchase CBD gummies, weed gummies, and THC gummies from us, you can do so with complete assurance, knowing that our products are all-natural, organic, and of the greatest possible quality.

By going to our Shop page and looking over our available products, you can select the THC product that is most suitable for you.

Happy shopping at Delta Remedys!