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What is Delta-8 THC Half-Life? Explained

You're in luck if you've ever wondered how long delta-8 stays in your system or what effects it has. In case you have an upcoming drug test, we'll also discuss the absorption and metabolism of cannabinoids, and much more.

By: Nadeem Nazar

Last Updated: December 19, 2024

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A wooden plate with yellow sugar-coated gummy candies placed next to a pink flower.
You’re in luck if you’ve ever wondered how long delta-8 stays in your system or what effects it has. In case you have an upcoming drug test, we’ll also discuss the absorption and metabolism of cannabinoids, drawing parallels between the consequences of short-term delta-8 THC usage and short-term use in terms of how long cannabis metabolites linger in the body after the benefits have worn off.

Table of Contents

It’s natural to be concerned about how long a chemical like a delta 8 THC metabolites will stay in your system and show THC plasma levels. Especially if you’ve recently stopped using it yet and have an upcoming drug test to detect THC plasma levels (urine, blood, etc.)

The simple answer is that it usually takes between two weeks and a month to detect THC plasma levels. This is a broad range, but one that is accurate for cannabis plants or oral cannabis extract.

Several variables determine how long delta 8 THC products can be detected in the body. If you’re wondering how the body gets rid of delta 8 psychoactive constituents like THC plasma levels, and how quickly you can do it, you’ll find the answers to these questions and more in the following article.

Before diving into the actual topic, let’s understand the fundamentals in light of previous studies.

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An Overview for Newcomers

Although THC plasma levels can be detectable in the body’s fat cells and bloodstream for weeks as per human studies, the effects of marijuana wear off rapidly. There is a wide range, from a few hours to 90 days, in how long marijuana’s active components like THC plasma levels and breakdown products stay in the system’s oral fluids (oral cannabis extracts) after use.

On the other hand, certain tests of oral fluids (oral cannabis extracts)may detect even a single dose of marijuana in your system for up to 13 days. Marijuana’s psychoactive constituents’ adverse effects wear off more rapidly when used infrequently or in small doses as compared to when used regularly or in large quantities.

However, delta 8 is permitted for medicinal purposes in a handful of American states as per human studies, and adults over 21 can indulge in its recreational oral fluids (oral cannabis extracts) used in a dozen more. The THC plasma levels detected in your blood might not get you in trouble while living in these legal states.

Half-Life: What’s the Actual Deal?

The half-life (denoted by the symbol t12) is the amount of time needed for a quantity (of substance) to decrease by half. In nuclear physics, the word is typically used to define the rate at which radioactive decay occurs or the longevity of stable atoms.

The phrase is also more generic to describe any kind of exponential (or very rarely, non-exponential) decay. The biological half-life of medicine or chemical in the human body is a common topic of discussion in the medical sciences. In exponential growth, doubling time is the inverse of half-life.

It wasn’t until the early 1950s that the phrase “half-life” replaced the longer “half-life period,” which dates back to Ernest Rutherford’s discovery of the principle in 1907.

Rutherford measured the time it took for radium to decay to lead-206, applying the notion of a radioactive element’s half-life to studies of the age determination of rocks.

In the exponential decay equation, a half-life is a characteristic unit since it remains constant during the entire lifespan of the quantity being measured. A reduction in quantity is shown in the table below as a function of the elapsed number of half-lives.

Beginner’s Guide to Delta 8 THC

Delta 9 THC produces Delta 8 THC, also called “Delta 8 desaturase.” Marijuana has high concentrations of the psychotropic chemical delta 9 THC in oral fluids (oral cannabis extracts). Dopamine is a neurochemical that binds to certain receptors on the surface of certain brain cells to produce its effect of THC plasma levels in cannabis users as per human studies.

Delta 9 THC causes the euphoria commonly associated with oral cannabis extract by binding to specific receptors in the brain as per recent animal studies. On the other hand, Delta-8 THC is widely regarded as less strong than its more famous cousin, Delta-9 THC, but has many of the same properties when THC plasma levels are detected.

Delta 8 THC is converted to 1-hydroxy-delta-8 THC shortly after entering the body through oral administration. The most common Delta 8 metabolite, 1-hydroxy-delta-8 THC, is inert and has no psychoactive effects as per the clinical study.

About 25% to 30% of Delta 9 THC is converted to Delta 8 THC in the body weights. The heating of marijuana speeds up the metabolic processes involved in this transformation of THC plasma levels.

A range of 40 minutes to 7 hours has been recorded for the half-life of Delta 8 THC oral cannabis extracts. It is widely accepted that Delta 8 THC oral cannabis extracts can be detected in the body for up to three days after ingestion, making it one of the longest-lasting THC metabolites as per the analytical methods on the action of cannabinoids.

How Much Time Does it Take for Delta 8 THC to Leave Your Body?

How long it takes for half of the substance to be digested and removed from the bloodstream is known as the drug’s half-life. While there are a number of action of cannabinoid receptors, the most common drug test will screen for THC body weights.

Metabolites are molecules of oral cannabis extracts that have been altered from THC weight gain as per the clinical study. THC can break down into at least 80 metabolites with various action of cannabinoid, each of which may have its own effects of cannabinoids (can be adverse effects for some users) on the endocannabinoid system along with some weight gain.

These metabolites from oral cannabis extracts with the effects of cannabinoids (or action of cannabinoids) are removed from the body over time via feces and urine after first being deposited in adipose tissue as per animal studies.

Substances like oral cannabis extract can be nearly completely removed from the environment after five or six half-lives along with weight gain. This is why recommendations for the activation of action of cannabinoid receptor suggest that traces of a single user should disappear after a week or two.

  • Duration of blood transfusions: a few hours
  • Urine, 13 (one-time use) to 90 (three-month) shelf life (for heavy use)
  • In the case of saliva, up to a few hours.
  • Longevity of Haircuts: Up to 90 Days

Sweat and Blood

Blood tests are rarely utilized to detect marijuana or oral cannabis extract usage because the drug leaves circulation quickly after the activation of the cannabinoid receptors. Car accidents and certain sobriety checkpoints are the only two exclusions in clinical study.

Current intoxication can be detected in the blood or saliva. Contrary to blood alcohol content tests, however, they provide no indication of impairment or intoxication.


Consumption of cannabis on a daily or near-daily basis can be detected in a hair sample up to three months later, though this is not always the case like weight gain detection. However, the amount of cannabis used for appetite stimulation cannot be reliably detected or determined by a hair test, and the test is only able to detect daily or weekly use. The same is the case for testicular germ cell tumors.


Marijuana metabolites in the urine can only be used to determine how recently someone used marijuana, not how impaired they are at the moment. This is because it takes time for your body to metabolize THC into the substances you’ll pass out of your system in your urine after each use. In many companies, recent drug use is detected through urine tests because of a zero-tolerance policy.

False Positive Tests

The Elisa Multiplex Immunoassay Test (EMIT) or the Radioimmunoassay Assay (RIA) could be used as a preliminary screening step in an employer-mandated drug test for marijuana. False positives are extremely uncommon when the material is retested with a gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer (GCMS) after a positive result has been returned.

Ibuprofen (trade names: Advil, Motrin, and Nuprin) is used to result in erroneous positives for marijuana in drug tests. However, modern tests have been modified to do away with that issue.

In states where cannabis is legal for appetite stimulation and weight gain, it is possible for a roadside blood test to return a positive result even if the person taking the test was not visibly impaired at the time of use. A policy implemented in Belgium in 2016 to test oral fluid at roadside locations was proven to reduce these false positives in a report published in 2016.

Important Factors

The amount of time delta 8 stays in the body and induce subjective effects depends on a few factors according to the clinical study:

Regular Uses

An increased bioavailability correlates with longer persistence in the body and weight loss.


Your age, as compound metabolism, slows with age.

Oral Route

The oral route of administration results in the longest plasma concentrations of delta 8 via drug testing for weight loss.

Metabolic Rate

Your unique metabolic rate; some people burn calories at a quicker clip than others hence quick weight loss.


The amount of time it takes to leave your system depends on how much you took for weight loss.

Vitamin Intake

The breakdown and disposal of delta 8 can be slowed by other molecules, including certain vitamins and drugs. Especially those which help in weight loss.

Delta 8 THC Half-Life

The metabolism of delta 8 THC occurs in two phases: quickly and slowly for subjective effects. A large quantity of delta-8 THC is eliminated from the body within a minute of consumption, at which time the metabolism substantially slows down. The slow-phase half-life of delta 8 is approximately 32 minutes after the activation of cannabinoid receptor.

This suggests that within 30 minutes, around half of the initial dose of delta-8 THC has been metabolized. When another 30 minutes have passed, only 25% of the initial dose will remain in the body. Every last scrap is used up in this process.

To better understand how the half-life of delta 8 THC affects the duration of effects, we present a timeline depicting the duration of effects at various doses.

Things that affect how long Delta 8 THC lasts

Biological Age

Our metabolic rate naturally decreases with age just like common weight loss along with subjective effects. As a result of the widespread awareness of this occurrence, it is factored into drug prescriptions of delta-8 products.

A person in their 60s or 70s with maximum weight loss may need up to 6 days longer than someone in their 20s or 30s to eliminate the same amount of delta 8 THC metabolites from their system.

Adults in their late 70s and 80s often have the same clearance rates for chemicals like delta 8 as those of people in their early 20s and 30s. It is just like the antitumor effects of cannabis.

Frequency Of Use

The time it takes for delta 8 THC to leave the body increases with repeated consumption. This is true of other cannabinoid concentrations in plasma as well, CBD included with the activation of cannabinoid receptor.

Cannabinoids can enter the body’s adipose tissue because they dissolve in fat and not the concentrations in plasma. Delta 8 products and other cannabinoids tend to be stored as fat when used frequently or in large dosages (adipocytes) in chemotherapy in patients.

It takes longer for the body to rid itself of these delta-8 THC substances since the accumulated amounts begin to slowly re-enter the bloodstream after we cease taking them.

When used once or twice weekly, delta 8 products are typically eliminated from the body within 7 days of any consumption method.

It may take quite some time for delta 8 products to disappear from a user’s blood or urine if they use it five or six times a week (or more).

Mode Of Ingestion

The metabolism of delta 8 can be affected by how it is administered during drug testing.

Inhaled delta 8 has a substantially faster onset of action (within a few minutes) and clearance from the body compared to swallowed delta 8. It also depends on the consumption method for its antitumor effects.

When compared to the vast literature on the metabolism of the delta 9 form of THC and also another related molecule, CBD, there is a notable lack of formal researchers comparing the metabolism of various consumption methods of delta 8.

One study found that CBD was eliminated from the body nearly twice as quickly when it was inhaled or smoked than when it was swallowed. The fastest route to elimination was the intravenous administration in chemotherapy in patients. However, this is not a typical or recommended method of administering delta 8 for any reason.

Supplements & Medications

The liver is responsible for the metabolism of the vast majority of dietary supplements and pharmaceutical drugs. When two organisms are trying to accomplish the same goal, they may end up competing for the same set of enzymes, which slows down the whole process and some loss in patients.

Now, let’s return to our tool example and imagine that there is only one saw in the entire shop. We can keep up with the workload so long as the cutting jobs come in one at a time. But if two, three, or more jobs come in simultaneously, we won’t be able to handle them all. It will cause a queue to form as jobs queue up to be processed.

Supplements are not immune to this phenomenon and may cause some loss in patients.

Specifically, CYP3A4 is responsible for the majority of delta 8’s metabolism according to the British journal. Because of this, if we utilize additional drugs that require the same enzymes, the metabolism of both of these compounds will proceed at a more glacial pace. Hence minor loss in patients with compromised immunity.

The Usual Dosage

It stands to reason that the longer it takes for the body to eliminate delta 8, the bigger the dose.

Due to its short half-life, increasing the dosage of delta 8 will only delay excretion from the body by a few hours, not days. This is because the substance has a short half-life.

Genes And Metabolism

The pace at which chemicals like delta 8 are eliminated from the body is highly influenced by both heredity and metabolism. The liver plays a crucial role in the body, as it is responsible for processing chemicals like delta 8 and will cause a loss in patients.

The liver uses a dedicated enzyme to metabolize drugs into smaller, inert forms, with the enzyme’s specificity determined by the drug’s chemical structure. The kidneys are responsible for flushing these out as per the British journal.

These enzymes can be compared to many instruments; each task calls for a unique enzyme. You wouldn’t want to try to drive a nail with a wrench or saw-through wood with a screwdriver. You can’t expect any sort of success from using anything other than the tool designed for that particular task.

The idea is equivalent to that of liver enzymes.

To be more specific, CYP3A4 is the enzyme that mediates delta 8. Some individuals’ livers include a lower-than-average ratio of this enzyme, which means that it will take these individuals significantly more time to metabolize delta 8 compared to others whose livers contain a high ratio.

When will I Start Experiencing its Effects?

Individual responses to marijuana use are not uncommon. It’s possible to experience a wide range of emotions, from euphoria and calm to fear and paranoia with an increased heart rate. However, there are situations where people report feeling “dopey,” where they lose interest in their usual activities and struggle to understand abstract ideas or complex processes like chromatographic techniques.

THC, commonly known as tetrahydrocannabinol or delta-9-THC, is the psychoactive ingredient in the active metabolite of marijuana. After smoking marijuana, it quickly enters the bloodstream with all of its therapeutic potentials.

If you want to get high but don’t want to smoke, you can take it orally instead as per the British journal. However, the amount you consume and other physiological parameters like absorption and rates of metabolism and excretion can affect how quickly the drug enters your bloodstream and how long it stays there.

Depending on the strain, the mode of ingestion, and the amount, the following effects may occur (mostly in people with cancer):

  • Dry mouth
  • Swollen eyelids
  • Bloodshot eyes
  • Pleasurable body sensations
  • The appetite stimulant (“the munchies”)
  • Relaxation
  • Stimulation
  • Distorted perception (sights, sounds, time, touch)
  • Loss of coordination among peripheral tissues
  • The trouble with thinking, memory, and problem-solving
  • Increased heart rate in people with cancer (advanced cancer patients)

Marijuana’s short-term effects on cognition typically wear off within two hours but can remain for as long as 24 hours such as an appetite stimulant. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that it can impair your ability to drive for up to three hours due to high lipid solubility.

A strain’s terpene profile might also affect how it makes you feel and alter your medical conditions, such as in advanced cancer patients. For instance, the energizing and physiological effects of citrus terpene profiles may be desirable, but they can also contribute to feelings of anxiety in some cannabis users with their therapeutic potential.

Delta-8 THC: For how long do its results remain in effect?

There is a wide range of possible psychoactive effects as well as physiological effects from THC. They usually depend on factors such as heredity, prior exposure, the route of administration, and the amount of cannabis extract consumed. Delta-8 THC’s after-effects may linger for up to six hours.

The effects of smoking the chemical or cannabis extracts are said to be felt quickly (within minutes) and intensely (by most users), but not for as long.

The pace at which smoked cannabis extract was eliminated from the body was found to be roughly twice that of edible forms, and the rate at which they were eliminated via interventional injection was found to be the fastest of all (but this is only available for clinic uses by cannabis users).

Delta-8 THC in edible forms produces a slower, more gradual high that can last up to six hours in some people. This is probably due to the fact that delta-8 is introduced to the circulatory system gradually with anti-inflammatory effects.

How does Delta 8 THC affect the body?

It’s speculated that the effects of Delta 8 THC are comparable to those of Delta 9. To name a few of them:

Perception And Sensitivities Changed

Delta 8 THC heightens and alters a person’s sensitivity to sensory input due to active metabolites. This is more pronounced in people with cancer (or advanced cancer patients).

Impeded Mobility

Delta 8 THC might impair coordination and slow reaction speed along with anti-inflammatory effects. Because of this, the individual may have difficulty synchronizing their motions, which can be harmful while driving or engaging in other tasks that need good motor skills and the use of peripheral tissues.

Changes in long-term memory

Evidence suggests that delta-9 THC modifies how information is processed in the brain. This means that Delta 8 THC may produce similar outcomes, such as alterations in long-term memory in people with cancer.

Variations in effects may be seen among age groups and different demographics which are referred to as cannabis use disorder.

Similar to Delta 9, the potency of Delta 8 THC is affected by the same variables. In general, the psychoactive effects of a drug are more pronounced in younger people or advanced cancer patients.

Body fat

Delta 8 THC is taken up by adipose tissue and released slowly into the bloodstream, therefore its effects are amplified in people with a larger body fat percentage. Because of this, there will be more Delta 8 THC in your bloodstream under chromatographic techniques results.

Keeping Delta 8 THC levels low through diet can lessen intoxicating effects which are common in cannabis use disorder and people with cancer.

Metabolic Rates

People with higher metabolic rates produce less delta 8 THC because the compound is broken down more rapidly. This could lead to less psych activity for them.

This is due to the fact that various cannabinoid receptors have the potential to affect a wide variety of bodily processes. Delta 8 THC has been found to have effects on the cardiovascular, pulmonary, immunological, and central neurological systems.

Does Delta-8 THC Show Up On Drug Tests?

Several of you are probably reading this because you have a pending drug test.

We regret to inform you that this news is not encouraging. Using delta-8 THC or delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol, even from a legitimate source, can cause a positive result on a standard drug test.

Delta-8 and delta-9 both metabolize into THC metabolites that are detectable in urine testing.

Tests for drugs (including those that analyze urine, blood, or saliva) are not designed to distinguish between THC varieties. Since delta-8 and delta-9 THC are so chemically similar, several independent lab tests are unable to tell them apart.

It is possible to reduce the amount of time it takes for THC metabolites to be eliminated from the body and so pass a drug test by taking advantage of certain conditions; however, these factors are not foolproof.

If you have an upcoming drug test for a job, insurance, probation, or sports, you should steer clear of the trendy detox drink, which is cranberry juice. Staying away from delta-8 and delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol goods is your best shot at passing the test.

Instructions for Detoxing From Marijuana

As part of their drug-free workplace policies, many companies now provide routine drug tests to all prospective employees and conduct random drug tests on current workers.

Recent marijuana use is likely to result in a failed urine test if you need to take one on short notice for employment or another reason. It’s essential to remember this if your usage is frequent or substantial.

The only certain method of passing the test is to cease all use of marijuana and cannabis products immediately. There are many urban tales and advice circulating about how to pass a drug test for marijuana or delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol, but the reality is that very few of them work. Some examples of these dubious methods include the following.

Using Drug Screening Agents

Some businesses provide herbal teas and other products that claim to remove marijuana from one’s system. Almost none of them have been shown to be effective. Unfortunately, most of them require continuous use, during which time THC and delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol will be eliminated from the body by natural means.

The Act of Flushing Your System

A large volume of liquids is consumed, and multiple urinations are performed, before vitamin B-12 is taken to restore the original color of the urine and pass the test. To some extent, this may dilute the amount of THC in the urine, but it will not get rid of all of the THC metabolites.

Some people try to release stored THC from fat into the blood by exercising before the test, but this strategy can backfire depending on the test, as reported in a study published in the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence.

Interfering with the Test

That’s why we have to contaminate the pee sample with anything else. There are urban legends about adding Visine, bleach, salt, or detergent to the urine sample, but the reality is that the lab can easily spot these traces along with delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol.

Do I Risk Failing a Drug Test if I Take Delta 8 THC?

There’s a good chance that a drug test has crossed your mind since you landed on this page.

Truth be told, delta-8 and delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol has the potential to cause a negative drug test result. If the chemical is present in the body, it will likely show up on a blood or urine test.

However, routine drug tests have trouble distinguishing between delta-8 and delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol, another chemical that is allowed at the federal level in the United States. For the most part, states have made Delta 9 THC illegal.

How do THC and CBD in Delta 8 Affect Cancer Symptoms?

Many preliminary studies have shown that smoking marijuana can alleviate nausea and vomiting associated with cancer chemotherapy in advanced cancer patients.

Smoked or vaporized marijuana has shown promise in the treatment of neuropathic pain, according to a small number of trials (pain caused by damaged nerves in people with cancer).

Studies on people with cancer (mol cancer) have shown that smoking marijuana can increase food consumption in HIV patients. Human trials of marijuana oil or hemp oil’s effects are currently lacking when it comes to advanced cancer patients with mol cancer.

Clinical trial participants (advanced cancer patients) who were given marijuana extracts have long been found to require less opioid pain medication in mol cancer treatment.

Recent studies on people with cancer have shown that cannabinoids like THC and CBD can inhibit the growth of mol cancer cells in petri dishes. Evidence from animal research suggests that some cannabinoids may inhibit the development and spread of some cancers as well in people with cancer.

Cannabinoids have shown promise in preliminary clinical trials for the treatment of mol cancer in humans, and further investigations are in the works in advanced cancer patients. Cannabinoids have been found to be safe in mol cancer treatment, but these studies have not yet shown that they aid in either controlling or curing diseases like mol cancer.

Negative outcomes have been linked to patients who have relied solely on marijuana as a treatment for mol cancer while avoiding or postponing conventional medical care. Smoking weed also increases the risk of lung cancer and aerodigestive tract cancer as per comprehensive cancer network studies. The risk of lung cancer is increased from many variables as per the national comprehensive cancer network.

How do cannabis medications work to alleviate cancer pain?

Multiple studies on testicular germ cell tumors have shown that dronabinol can aid with chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting along with appetite stimulation in comprehensive cancer networks.

Patients with HIV who took dronabinol had a significant increase in food intake and avoided losing weight with good weight gain. However, it did not outperform a placebo or any medicine in tests involving cancer patients (megestrol acetate). This is common in risk of lung cancer and aerodigestive tract cancer.

However, not all studies have indicated that nabiximols are effective in treating cancer pain that has not responded to other pain medications. This medication has just begun to be studied as per the national comprehensive cancer network. The antitumor effects of oral cannabis extract are still under investigation with the help of testicular germ cell tumors.

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Delta 8 THC: The Benefits and Risks

Delta 8 THC Products have a number of benefits as well as drawbacks. One of them is how long it can linger in your body after you’ve taken it. The length of time that Delta 8 THC and delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol remain in your system after use is affected by a number of factors, some of which we’ve discussed in this article.

Appetite stimulation and weight gain are some prominent benefits of action of cannabinoids. Oral cannabis extract is the best way to achieve these benefits.

However, Delta 8 THC is still a psychoactive substance because it contains minute amounts of THC, the chemical that is detected in drug tests. Because of this, consistent Delta 8 THC usage can affect professional opportunities and pharmacological screenings in the future.

Delta 8 THC has some drawbacks, including the fact that it can be quite pricey. Some Delta 8s and delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol can be as pricey as $100 for a little bottle that includes 7-10mg of CBD per serving.

Depending on the product, It’s often tough to decide what dosage might be appropriate for your needs. If you’re new to Delta 8, we recommend taking it easy at first.

As an alternative to Delta 9 THC, Delta 8 THC has gained in popularity. It may not have the same bad consequences as delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol, but it still includes the active element of THC, which shows up on most drug tests.

How many different kinds of tests may be run on marijuana? To begin, learn the distinctions between qualitative and quantitative evaluation methods.

Qualitative analysis can determine whether or not a substance is present.

However, it does not provide any information on the quantity present. There will be a cut-off point for detection. The detection limit for Delta-9-THC in saliva, as measured by the Alere DDs 2 Mobile test equipment utilized by law enforcement agencies at the roadside, is 25 ng/ml.

According to studies, this testing procedure is 97.5% accurate at this threshold (this means that more than 97 people will accurately test positive out of 100 people who have used marijuana in the past 24 hours).

Quantitative analysis determines how much of a chemical is present.

This sort of testing is typically reserved for those who have already tested positive in a qualitative test due to its higher cost and longer turnaround time. It’s something that can only be done in a lab and is called for in situations where a more precise value is required, such as during a legal trial.

When compared to the threshold for a qualitative test, quantitative testing is able to identify extremely low concentrations of material. It is possible to quantify whether or not drug use is still occurring with a battery of tests.

Urine, saliva, blood, and hair tests are the most common techniques for detecting marijuana use. THCCOOH, which has a substantially longer half-life (the amount of time it takes for half of the chemical to be eliminated), is the metabolite most commonly tested for. When compared to frequent users, whose THCCOOH half-life is 3-13 days, occasional users have a much shorter 20-57 hour half-life.

Wrapping Up

Overall, if you’ve only consumed delta 8 THC or delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol once or twice, its effects won’t wear off for another two days. For high-dose or chronic users of delta 8, elimination from the body may take as long as two to four weeks.

It has been reported that delta 8 THC and delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol can be detected in the hair up to 90 days after initial exposure.

The duration of delta-8’s psychoactive effects varies from person to person, although it’s usually between a few hours and five hours.

Cannabinoids stay in the body after the intoxicating effects have worn off, ready to be processed by the liver. Researchers have discovered that light users metabolize and get rid of the chemical considerably faster than heavy users do. This is because THC is stored invisibly in fat cells, where it remains for a very long time before being broken down.

In most cases, abstaining from delta-8 or delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol for a couple of months will allow you to pass a drug test (urine tests). A hair follicle test, on the other hand, can detect delta-8 for an extended length of time. Due to its prohibitive price, the hair follicle test is rarely performed.

The longer it takes for delta 8 and delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol to leave the body, the more frequently it is used. The amount of time it takes for your body to metabolize delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) can also be altered by factors such as your age, weight, additional nutrients, and medications.


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Our 60 pack contains 20 of each Apple, Peach, and watermelon flavors. Each gummy contains 25mg of Delta 8 THC for a total of 1500mg in a bottle.

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Our Delta-8 premium oil is the most effective way of taking Delta 8 THC oil that is derived from Hemp compliant plants. Our oils are made with 100% all-natural ingredients. 

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