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News | Delta Remedys

September 15, 2024

Over the last few months, Delta 8 users were curious to know if Delta 8 can cause a failed drug test. In fact, we explored that very topic just a few weeks ago. You can learn more about Delta 8 drug testing here.And we get it… Having an upcoming drug test looming over your shoulder can make you feel hesitant about consuming Delta 8 THC altogether.But before you put your Delta 8 purchase on hold, we urge you to keep on reading. Because today, we’re diving into the duration of Delta 8 in the human body and the many factors that play a role in Delta 8’s metabolism.

September 12, 2024

Sexual desire, libido, and pleasurable intercourse… It seems there’s a theory that Delta 8 THC enhances your overall sexual experience!Have you heard about this?Well, we have. And today we want to explore this theory a little more thoroughly.So let’s cut right to the chase…

September 10, 2024

So, you’re thinking about giving Delta 8 THC a try, but you’re not exactly sure if Delta 8 is legal, especially in your state or area.We get it… Delta 8 THC sounds oddly familiar to Delta 9 THC. And since you already know that Delta 9 is only legal in a few states across the U.S., and it’s 100% illegal on a federal level, you’re still on the fence about buying Delta 8 THC. After all, how can one THC cannabinoid be legal while another THC cannabinoid isn’t? It doesn’t make sense, right?Well that’s what we’re here for: to give you the most accurate information regarding all things Delta 8 THC, and today we’re diving into Delta 8’s legality.But in order to know whether Delta 8 THC is legal, we first need to know…

September 9, 2024

Ah, Delta 8 THC The cannabinoid known as “Diet Weed”, “Legal Weed”, and “Delta 9’s younger, nicer sibling”.Delta 8 has a lot of nicknames, but one thing people really want to know is: Does Delta 8 show up on a drug test?Today, we’re diving into this question to see what the experts have to say.Let’s jump right in…

September 8, 2024

Since Mother’s Day has passed, it’s now time to celebrate the amazing dads and father figures in your life. And what better way to honor your father than with some “dad grass”, otherwise known as legal weed.Yes, we’re talking about Delta 8 THC.If there’s one thing you can give your dad this Father’s Day, it’s the gift of ultimate relief and utter euphoria.Because your dad is cool. He has great taste in whiskey. He can rock out the piano solo of “Stairway to Heaven”. He tells the corniest dad jokes that you can’t help but laugh at. He’s the type of dude that shoots you straight. And he knows a thing or two about cannabis.But why Delta 8 THC? What makes Delta 8 better than all the other THC variants?

September 8, 2024

Ah summer… Longer days, endless outdoor activities, and a whole lotta fun!But let’s get real for a second… As much as we all love the summer months, adapting to a new sleeping rhythm can be really difficult.Nights are shorter and the heat can be so unbearable that you literally lie awake in your own sweat.But if there’s one thing we know about hemp-derived cannabinoids like Delta 8 THC, it’s that they offer tremendous therapeutic relief and benefits.You see, much like CBD, Delta 8 THC is one of those cannabinoids that offers the best of both worlds. You get a whole lot of therapeutic value, with subtle notes of euphoria.What more could you ask for?But…

September 6, 2024

It’s a great question and one that requires scientific proof and anecdotal evidence. So, here’s what we know thus far regarding..

September 2, 2024

You should avoid using this product if you have an upcoming test. Anything from vaporizers to edibles falls under this category. Urine tests are simple for detecting delta-8. Therefore, if you have used a delta-8 product recently and have recently done a urine drug test, the results may be positive. Still don’t know what to expect? We are here to guide!

September 1, 2024

Here’s the good news… Delta 8 THC is 100% a legit, legal cannabinoid! And as for its safety profile, multiple studies have shown it to hold tremendous medicinal properties for the human body. So, yes… High quality, pure Delta 8 THC is safe to consume [¹].

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