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News | Delta Remedys

September 6, 2024

It’s a great question and one that requires scientific proof and anecdotal evidence. So, here’s what we know thus far regarding..

September 6, 2024

The use of HHC and THC is controversial. While some staunchly defend HHC’s merits, others insist that THC is the only viable option. Is there a clear winner here? In this post, we’ll compare and contrast these two chemicals to help you pick the one that’s right for you.

September 5, 2024

Since its discovery, THCP has been a hot topic among top cannabis industry specialists. But what exactly is it? Is it more powerful than other siblings? Is it really a potent brother of THC? Let’s find it out together!

September 5, 2024

One of the several cannabis plant-found naturally occurring cannabinoids is Delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol (Delta-8 THC). Its capacity to offer a mild, psychoactive experience free of the strong effects connected with Delta-9 THC has attracted the interest of so many users. At the same time, the newcomers are questioning its safety, health concerns such as upset stomach after consuming Delta 8, and much more. If you are in the same boat, Delta Remedys has you covered!

September 4, 2024

Ah, Delta 8. Ever heard of it? It’s the hot, new cannabinoid that everyone’s talking about.Now, we know it may sound oddly familiar to the highly controversial Delta 9 THC (the kind that most people smoke or consume, legally or otherwise). They’re not the same thing.Delta 8 THC is among the many cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant, which we know includes both marijuana and the hemp plant.But while Delta 8 THC might be new to you, it’s actually been on the radar of many renowned scientists and biochemists for years. Which means, scientists have been studying this cannabinoid since the mid 1970s. Crazy, right?

September 3, 2024

The different flavors of Delta 8 Gummies are delicious, and they have been shown to help people deal with anxiety, stress, and sadness very well. However, there are differences between Delta-8-THC products; some users say that gummies give them a stronger high than other methods. What’s the real deal here? If you eat Delta-8, is it stronger than a flower, vape, or other cannabinoids? If that’s the case, do they need a different dose? Let’s find out together!

September 3, 2024

Overdosing on marijuana is seen as a joke by many, particularly frequent consumers. That’s because, physically speaking, weed isn’t nearly as dangerous as harder substances like heroin, meth, and coke. There are still dangers associated with ingesting THC, despite the fact that it is increasingly lawful for both medical and recreational purposes. Here’s some info on edibles overdosing and stomach wellness.

September 2, 2024

You should avoid using this product if you have an upcoming test. Anything from vaporizers to edibles falls under this category. Urine tests are simple for detecting delta-8. Therefore, if you have used a delta-8 product recently and have recently done a urine drug test, the results may be positive. Still don’t know what to expect? We are here to guide!

September 1, 2024

Here’s the good news… Delta 8 THC is 100% a legit, legal cannabinoid! And as for its safety profile, multiple studies have shown it to hold tremendous medicinal properties for the human body. So, yes… High quality, pure Delta 8 THC is safe to consume [¹].

August 31, 2024

Because of the potential benefits that it may have for the brain, the molecule known as HHC cannabis, which was recently found in the cannabis plant, has garnered a lot of attention. It is believed that HHC possesses anxiolytic qualities, which are similar to those of delta-9 THC, the chemical that is responsible for the psychoactive effects of cannabis. These properties think that HHC can help relieve anxiety and tension. Is it true that cannabis with high levels of HHC is beneficial to the brain? Or is it the main cause of depression? Let’s see what the science has to say about it.

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