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News | Delta Remedys

July 23, 2024

The question of the potential side effects of Delta-9 THC remains a hot topic in the world of cannabis. For many newcomers, this question is often unanswered regardless of their level of familiarity with the cannabis community or their level of expertise with THC products. So, what are the actual effects that Delta-9 has on your body and the brain? In this guide by Delta Remedys, you will find all of the necessary information you seek!

July 23, 2024

Two cannabinoids, HHC vs Delta-10 THC, have been identified as particularly promising for therapeutic use. We are witnessing scientific breakthroughs in cannabis as an industry. What follows is a brief discussion on recent advances in cannabinoid-based treatments. Researching cannabis has been difficult due to the fear of the plant’s potential held by some individuals and businesses. Fortunately, fresh discoveries are produced every day, and today we’d like to discuss the variations among the recently introduced cannabinoids; HHC vs Delta-10!

July 22, 2024

Legal issues and considerations arise when transporting edibles on an airplane, particularly ones containing cannabis. Domestic flights inside cannabis-legal regions may allow edibles, subject to local rules being followed. Recreational cannabis is now legal in an increasing number of states throughout the US as the legal environment surrounding cannabis changes. The ever-present concern about “Is it possible to bring these beloved cannabis edibles, which are loaded with THC, on a plane to Florida?” arises as the availability of these products grow. Let’s discover together!

July 22, 2024

There are now two options for Delta-8 THC in Virginia: one made from hemp and another from marijuana, which will be accessible soon. This differentiation is critical to grasping the state’s cautious yet welcoming stance towards cannabis products. However, only those over the age of 21 will be able to purchase it if it is derived from marijuana legally, and even then, they will have to wait until the middle of 2024. Find out more below!

July 21, 2024

There is a lot of stuff going on in the cannabis market regarding the organic and synthetic nature of Delta 9. In the case of Delta 9 gummies, many experts are questioning what goes inside and how justified it is to call the products “hemp-derived?” Are they really hemp-derived? What can you expect when buying your favorite Delta 9 gummies from a reliable source? How can you confirm the quality of the product? If you have the same questions, read this post until the end!

July 21, 2024

The most convenient and pleasurable approach to experience tetrahydrocannabinol’s euphoric effects and health benefits is through the use of THC edibles. (THC). The passage of the 2018 Farm Bill has made THC edibles legal across the country. The widespread use of THC edibles has made it crucial to learn how these products function in the body.

July 21, 2024

When you think of CBD and Delta 8 THC, what’s the first thought that comes to your mind?Is it: Delta 8 THC is better than CBD?Or how about: Delta 8 THC is basically the same as CBD?Maybe you think that Delta 8 THC is just the psychoactive version of CBD?Well, we’ve got news for you. All of those thoughts are valid… to a degree. But there’s more to the story.In this short read, we’re gonna reveal some eye-opening differences and similarities of these two cannabinoids.And we’ll start with the most frequently asked question…

July 20, 2024

How cool is your mom? This might not be a hard question for you to answer. After all, being a cool mom can mean many different things…She has a great sense of humor, can dance the night away, packs all your favorite snacks, can rattle off your favorite quotes from Dumb and Dumber, cheers the loudest at every one of your events, comforts you in a way that no one else can, and loves some good ol’ THC!

July 19, 2024

There was a time when we thought that all forms of cannabis, HHC and CBD, caused inebriation. By inhaling smoke containing psychoactive THC, the user has an intoxicating effect throughout their entire body. Then, HHC vs CBD was the talk of the market, and here we are to give our take on it. Read on to learn how HHC vs CBD is explained in the best possible manner!

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